--X33F-LB08-0PZ4-65e9d750 Content-Disposition: form-data; name=""; filename="COUNTIS-E25_E26-M-BUS---ACTIVE-ENERGY-METERS_COMMUNICATION-TABLE_2017-08_CMT_EN.html" Content-Type: application/octet-stream M-BUS tables E25-E26

Telegram description


Telegram 1 : Default telegram




Value if not available

Total Positive Active Energy (no resetable) : Ea+ kWh 0x7FFFFFFF
Total Positive Reactive Energy (no resetable) : Er + kvarh 0x7FFFFFFF
Total Negative Active Energy (no resetable) : Ea- kWh 0x7FFFFFFF
Tariff number in progress ( 1 to 2 ) - 0
2 * Positive Active Energies kWh 0x7FFFFFFF
2 * Positive Reactive Enegies kvarh 0x7FFFFFFF
∑ Active Power +/- : P kW/100 (Signed) 0x7FFFFFFF
Active Power phase 1 +/- : P1 kW/100 (Signed) 0x7FFFFFFF
Active Power phase 2 +/- : P2 kW/100 (Signed) 0x7FFFFFFF
Active Power phase 3 +/- : P3 kW/100 (Signed) 0x7FFFFFFF
Reserved Reserved 0x7FFF
Phase to Phase Voltage: U12 V/100 0x7FFFFFFF
Phase to Phase Voltage: U23 V/100 0x7FFFFFFF
Phase to Phase Voltage: U31 V/100 0x7FFFFFFF
Simple voltage : V1 V/100 0x7FFFFFFF
Simple voltage : V2 V/100 0x7FFFFFFF
Simple voltage : V3 V/100 0x7FFFFFFF
Current : I1 mA 0x7FFFFFFF
Current : I2 mA 0x7FFFFFFF
Current : I3 mA 0x7FFFFFFF
Neutral Current : In mA 0x7FFFFFFF
Telegram 2 : Energies
Description Unit Value if not available
Total Positive Active Energy (no resetable) : Ea+ kWh 0x7FFFFFFF
Total Positive Reactive Energy (no resetable) : Er + kvarh 0x7FFFFFFF
Total Negative Active Energy (no resetable) : Ea- kWh 0x7FFFFFFF
Partial Positive Active Energy: Ea+ kWh 0x7FFFFFFF
Partial Positive Reactive Energy: Er + kvarh 0x7FFFFFFF
Partial Negative Active Energy: Ea- kWh 0x7FFFFFFF
Tariff number in progress ( 1 to 2 ) - 0
2 * Positive Active Energies kWh 0x7FFFFFFF
2 * Positive Reactive Enegies kvarh 0x7FFFFFFF
Telegram 3 : Metrology
Description Unit Value if not available
Phase to Phase Voltage: U12 V/100 0x7FFFFFFF
Phase to Phase Voltage: U23 V/100 0x7FFFFFFF
Phase to Phase Voltage: U31 V/100 0x7FFFFFFF
Simple voltage : V1 V/100 0x7FFFFFFF
Simple voltage : V2 V/100 0x7FFFFFFF
Simple voltage : V3 V/100 0x7FFFFFFF
Current : I1 mA 0x7FFFFFFF
Current : I2 mA 0x7FFFFFFF
Current : I3 mA 0x7FFFFFFF
Neutral Current : In mA 0x7FFFFFFF

Telegram 4 : Powers

Description Unit Value if not available
∑ Active Power +/- : P kW/100 (Signed) 0x7FFFFFFF
∑ Reactive Power +/- : Q kvar/100 (Signed) 0x7FFFFFFF
∑ Apparent Power : S kVA/100 0x7FFFFFFF
∑ Power Factor : -: leading et + : lagging : PF 0,001 (Signed) 0x7FFFFFFF
Active Power phase 1 +/- : P1 kW/100 (Signed) 0x7FFFFFFF
Active Power phase 2 +/- : P2 kW/100 (Signed) 0x7FFFFFFF
Active Power phase 3 +/- : P3 kW/100 (Signed) 0x7FFFFFFF
Reactive Power phase 1 +/- : Q1 kvar/100 (Signed) 0x7FFFFFFF
Reactive Power phase 2 +/- : Q2 kvar/100 (Signed) 0x7FFFFFFF
Reactive Power phase 3 +/- : Q3 kvar/100 (Signed) 0x7FFFFFFF
Apparent Power phase 1 : S1 kVA/100 0x7FFFFFFF
Apparent Power phase 2 : S2 kVA/100 0x7FFFFFFF
Apparent Power phase 3 : S3 kVA/100 0x7FFFFFFF
Power Factor phase 1 -: leading and + : lagging : PF1 0,001 (Signed) 0x7FFFFFFF
Power Factor phase 2 -: leading and + : lagging : PF2 0,001 (Signed) 0x7FFFFFFF
Power Factor phase 3 -: leading and + : lagging : PF3 0,001 (Signed) 0x7FFFFFFF
Telegram 6 : Advanced information    
Description Unit Value if not available
Product order ID (Countis:100, Protection:200, Atys:300, Diris:400)   0x7FFF
Product ID (EX: 1000 ATS3)   0x7FFF
Product software version (EX: 100 Version 1.00)   0x7FFF
Serial_AA_SS Poids fort : AA
poids faible : SS
Serial_SST_L Poids fort : SST
poids faible : L
Serial_order   0x7FFF
Serial_Reserve   0x7FFFFFFF
Network Type :
2 : 3BL (332), 3 : 3NBL (333), 5 : 4NBL (343)
Reserved Reserved 0x7FFF
Reserved Reserved 0x7FFF
Reserved Reserved 0x7FFF
Reserved Reserved 0x7FFF
Reserved Reserved 0x7FFF
Reserved Reserved 0x7FFF
Reserved Reserved 0x7FFF
Reserved Reserved 0x7FFF
Reserved Reserved 0x7FFF
Tariff number in progress ( 1 to 2 )   0


Command description

Commands to send from Master to Slave to configure a slave
The commands are sent using SND_UD
Command Description CI Field DIB VIB DATA
Reserved Reserved 0x51 0x06 0x6D 6 bytes
Select Telegram Set the telegram  to send in answer to an REQ_UD2 command. See "Telegram description"
to know the content of each telegram. Valid values are 1xh with x=Telegram number (1 to 6)
0x50 No DIF No VIF 1 byte
Com. Board Processor RESET Software Reset of the communication board (like power off - power on) 0x50 No DIF No VIF 1 byte=0x90
Set baud rate to 300bps Change the communication baud rate.
A valid message must be sent in the 2 minutes after this command in order to confirm the new baud rate.
If the countis is in Auto Baud mode, it will switch in manual mode.
0xB8 No DIF No VIF No Data
Set baud rate to 600bps 0xB9 No DIF No VIF No Data
Set baud rate to 1200bps 0xBA No DIF No VIF No Data
Set baud rate to 2400bps 0xBB No DIF No VIF No Data
Set baud rate to 4800bps 0xBC No DIF No VIF No Data
Set baud rate to 9600bps 0xBD No DIF No VIF No Data
Reserved Reserved 0xBE No DIF No VIF No Data
Reserved Reserved 0xBF No DIF No VIF No Data
Set primary address (0-250) Set the primary address of the countis. Valid values are in the range 0-250.
Address 0 is reserved for first installation and is the default value after manufacturing.
0x51 0x01 0x7A 1 byte
Set secondary address
(Manufacturer ID)
Set the Manufacturer Id for secondary addressing of the countis.
Valid values are in the range 00000000-99999999. This Id is unique for the manufacturer and should not be changed.
0x51 0x0C 0x79 8 BCD
(4 bytes)
Set secondary address
(Full address)
Set the Manufacturer Id, Manufacturer code, Generation and Medium codes for secondary addressing of the countis.
These codes form a unique address and should not be changed.
0x51 0x07 0x79 64 bits(2)
Set current tariff (1-2) Set the current tariff 0x51 0x02 0x7C 0x03 0x72 0x61 0x74 1 Word
Reserved Reserved 0x51 0x14 0xAC 0x07 No data
Reset Partial energies Reinitialize partial energies 0x51 0xC4 0x01 0x86 0x07 No data
Set Network Set the network configuration 0x51 0x02 0xFD 0x67 1 Word
Reserved Reserved 0x51 0x42 0xFD 0x67 1 Word
Reserved Reserved 0x51 0x82 0x01 0xFD 0x67 1 Word
Reserved Reserved 0x51 0xC2 0x01 0xFD 0x67 1 Word

(2) Full Address
Manufacturer ID Manufacturer Code Generation Medium
(not changeable) (not changeable)
8 BCD (4 bytes) E3h 4Dh 1 byte 1 byte=03h
Data are coded LSB first.
Man. ID=12345678, Man. Code=4Dh E3h, Generation=4; Medium=3
78h, 56h, 34h, 12h,E3h, 4Dh,04h,03h


Frame description

E5h Start 10h Start 68h Start 68h
C Field L Field = 3 L Field
A Field L Field = 3 L Field
Check Sum Start 68h Start 68h
Stop 16h C Field C Field
A Field A Field
CI Field CI Field
Check Sum User Data
Stop 16h (0-252 Byte)
Check Sum
Stop 16h
Single Character
This format consists of a single character, namely the E5h (decimal 229), and serves to acknowledge receipt of transmissions.
Short Frame
This format with a fixed length begins with the start character 10h, and besides the C and A fields includes the check sum (this is made up from the two last mentioned characters), and the stop character 16h.
Long Frame
With the long frame, after the start character 68h, the length field (L field) is first transmitted twice, followed by the start character once again. After this, there follow the function field (C field), the address field (A field) and the control information field (CI field). The L field gives the quantity of the user data inputs plus 3 (for C,A,CI). After the user data inputs, the check sum is transmitted, which is built up over the same area as the length field, and in conclusion the stop character 16h is transmitted.
Control Frame
The control sentence conforms to the long sentence without user data, with an L field from the contents of 3. The check sum is calculated at this point from the fields C, A and CI.
For a complete description of each field, refer to EN 13757-2

